Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday: February 3

What story do you wish to live or let go of?

As Jamie presented this question on her blog my first thought was oh...I am not sure what I will let go now because I just cleaned out my closet of junk. In reality though, do we ever get all the junk out? I am thinking not and how silly of a statement for me to make. Since my decision to carry my new banner of self love and joy, things in my life have taken a different turn and my outlook is one of delight. I will focus on my new life story of creative abundance.

I wish for my creativity to continue to bubble up from the bottomless well that is flowing inside me. I wish for this to radiate my true happiness in who I am, give me the ability to create, provide income with my art, and have flexibility and time with my family.



  1. As Jess wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I love the realization that even if we think we are ruthlessly thorough we never quite manage to purge perfectly, and this is okay. I need to remind myself of that often.

  2. Hi Jess, I agree there's still junk even after we think we've excised all the junk. (some junk is harder to part with than others.) Like your bio to the right. Let go is one of my favorite phrases. what are we hanging on so tight for anyway?

    You are most creative!

    Giulietta the muse

  3. ~may your bubbles rise above adn float aimlessly out into the world...may your happiness shine among all that is brought forth in your Jess wishes for herself so I wish for her too...brightest blessings...and no i don't think the junk is ever cleared either...always room for a little more!~

  4. Are we ever done taking out the garbage? Somehow, I think it's okay as long as we don't let it accumulate. You know, take out the stinky garbage bag every so often :) Go on and be in your joyful, creative, open and abundant life! As Jess wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  5. As Jess wishes for herself, I wish for her also. May we all have outlooks that are filled with delight. What a wonderful way to face each day!

  6. As Jess wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
